Housing Market Update

august 2024 housing market update graphic

Hold the phone. Some of you weren’t content to coast into the holidays!

Average home sales price shot back up to over $488,000 last month, the highest since July! That’s also above the YTD average of $475,650.

Additionally inventory tightened up slightly, and the number of closed home sales is up against both the previous month and the previous year.

What other insights do you see from these most recent
statistics? Give me a call and let’s talk shop.

Small Business Spotlight

We found out about Amazon Creek Preschool through a friend who had lots of positive things to say.

In this school Paloma has created a real gem. Her programs do a nice job of introducing kids to the Spanish language and fostering their creativity.

The school is small so each child gets lots of instruction and attention.

I don’t think we would have started Joe in preschool this year

if not for the fact that we felt so comfortable with Paloma and Amazon Creek Preschool.

Joe’s language and social skills have exploded since enrolling here this fall and we are grateful to have such a wonderful, safe, enriching place to send him.

If you have children that are going to be pre-school age soon get in touch with Paloma and find out if she has openings. Your kids will thank you later.

Xander’s Slice of Life

Remember those cool outfits for The Duck I mentioned last month? Thanks to those, Lindsay got us field passes to the Duck game versus Maryland. We got to walk down the tunnel, right onto the sideline and watch pre-game antics and the team’s warm up while standing right next to the players. It was incredible!

Also incredible was that we got to go do something cool without the kids! Gotta love grandparents! With temperatures dropping and winds whipping we’ve been spending a lot of time at home, entertaining the kids however we can. Lots of challenges there but it makes me extra grateful that we have a house that we love.

In other news Lindsay is knitting up some matching Christmas outfits for the family, as modeled by Julia below. My vest is next!

I hope Thanksgiving was restorative and full of quality time with the people you love.

Your realtor,

Field passes!

Parenting 101

Christmas clothes